Welcome to the Directorate of Industrial Training
"Promoting Employable Skills"
Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni is the First Lady of Uganda and a cabinet Minister of Education and Sports.
Our Mandate
The Directorate of Industrial Training is a skills quality assurance body mandated to develop occupational standards, regulate work based training schemes, apply and expand the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework, accredit assessment centers, Assess and Award Uganda Vocational Qualification as provided for in the BTVET Act 0f 2008.
Our Vision
To be a technical and vocational skills quality assurance body of international repute
Our Mission
To promote quality assurance interventions in Business, Technical Vocational Education and Training for the public and private sector labor market needs to accelerate national development.
Industrial Training Council (ITC)
The ITC is the policy-making organ of the Directorate and an advisory body to the Minister of Education and Sports on TVET policy matters in the country.
Welcome to the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT), Uganda’s premier skills quality assurance body. Guided by our vision of becoming a globally renowned authority in technical and vocational skills assurance, we are dedicated to promoting excellence through the development of occupational standards, regulation of work-based training, and application of the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework (UVQF).
Our mission is to deliver impactful quality assurance interventions in Technical, and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to meet the evolving labor market demands and contribute to national development. Together, we are building a skilled and empowered workforce for Uganda’s future.
DIT Recognitions and Honors